2002 it/its
something trapped in the telephone wires
welcome to my personal website ^___^
this is a place for me to have fun and maybe others will enjoy it too. im an "artist" of varying forms. anything i make or do (that im proud of) will probably end up here. im someone with too many hobbies that might end up here in some way. i collect dvds, music in various formats, video games & other ephemera i take a liking to.
this site is perpetually in progress.
<a href="https://pseudogender.neocities.org/"><img src="https://pseudogender.neocities.org/graphics/button(1).png"></a>

          games: resident evil, silent hill, survival horror as a whole, yume nikki (and 2kki<3), pokemon*, quake, lsd, most rhythm games
          movies: tetsuo the iron man, ghost in the shell, evil dead, the thing, fire walk with me, house (1977), saw, alien, akira
music: nine inch nails, xiu xiu, utsu-p, boris, uboa, merzbow, black dresses, death grips, watashi no koko, portishead, kiichi, c.c.c.c., that same street