though i currently use yves
i also go by vivi someplaces and like using both names. i named this site after this song and i like to describe myself as pseudogender too :3
i'm not human and am some kind of computer program forced into a body. i am as much a "person" as a humanoid robot, that meaning i am some kind of imperfect facsimile.
i am currently the host of this body but my identity issues are exacerbated by my plurality so sorry if im confusing about it but i am just like this. i might share more on occasion.
Hello My name is |
Yves |
My gender is |
all of the above, ambiguous, androgyne, angel, autistic, bigender, bisexual, communist, crossdresser, cunt, cyborg, doublecrossdresser, dyke, effeminate, epicene, esoteric, etc., eyeliner fag, faggot, femme, fetishist, fluid, gender deviant, gender liberationist, girlboy, girlfag, homo, in transition, inhuman, kinky, latex, leather, lolita, lover, machine, male girl, metamorph, nerd, neutrois, nonhuman, oblivious, odd, otherkin, prettyboy, pseudogender, romantic, sadomasochist, shapeshifter, trans-loving, transfag, transfeminist, transsexual, unspecified, weird |
What's yours? |